Wednesday, September 15, 2010

To Be or Not To Be . . .

For some reason this morning a little quote from a Shakespeare play popped into my head . . . "To be or not to be, this is the question." 

This quote got me thinking about us as people and the choice we have to follow Jesus.  To be a Christian or not to be a Christian . . . this is the most important question we as people will face in our lives.  There are those who will cling to the promise of salvation through Christ and those who will completely turn their backs on Him and follow the ways of the world.

Then there are those who have never even heard . . . who have never had the chance to make this choice.  So back to the question, "To be or not to be" . . . are we as believers going to keep salvation to ourselves or are we as believers going to make sure that others have the opportunity to choose like we had??? 

We can choose to be Christians and still try and walk in the world . . . or . . . we can choose to be Christians and live in the world but not of the world, reaching the lost and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with them.  To be or not to be . . . is this something we as Christians really need to think about??? 

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