Monday, January 11, 2010


For the last few weeks I've been struggling trying to find answers . . . asking God, "Why does it seem like we are stuck?"  As we wait for Him to reveal His plans for us, we struggle with the whole process of sitting, once again asking God, "Why does it seem like we are stuck?"

Yesterday I spent some valuable time in prayer, just talking with my heavenly Father.  While we were chatting, the words "Just Trust Me" kept flowing through my mind.  Finally it made sense . . . it was God telling me to stop worrying and to begin trusting . . . what a revelation!!!!

"Trust Me Joel . . . in your health, your finances and in my future plans for your family." 

If we really love Him . . . we can trust Him.  During the good and the bad, our focus needs to be on Him.  As Christians we seem to walk away from the Lord when things are going well and turn back to Him when it all falls apart.  We can't do this and expect Him to always be there!!!!!  He desires our full attention and I believe in order for Him to help He needs to have our full attention.

Trust . . . if you are struggling today, trust in Him.  Trust . . . if all is well with you today, trust in Him.  Only God can carry you through the victories and struggles of daily life . . . trust in Him.

1 comment:

  1. Strange how you would post this the day before theaccident. It has really spoken to my heart this week. Jeremiah says, "Forget about the past, GOD is doing a NEW thing. Do you not perceive it?" God is up to something BIG. I get goosebumps just thinking about it.
